2013 Portfolio Review's in Korea
Message from Behance Portfolio Reviews: This event is part of Behance Portfolio Review Week: May 13-20, 2013 Behance Portfolio Reviews bring members together at events in cities and towns around the world — organized by members, for members. Attend a Portfolio Review to present and get feedback on your work, hear from experienced professionals, and meet your local creative community. (be.net/reviews) 페이스북 페이지 https://www.facebook.com/events/158012944360761/ 를 통해 다시 한번 자세한 내용을 확인해주세요. Reviews Organizer : 08AM (se jin, PARK)_Character Artist www.behance.net/_08AM E-mail : 0008AM@email.com SELECTED BY: SEJIN PARK
2013 Behance Portfolio Review in Korea.
Official Orgarnizer : 08AM ( OBAM Park )
08AM / 1000DAY / Gunjoo / Gwaja / I-jay / Jaebum joo / Karren master
Kaze23 / NJ Sung / Ppassu / Sakiroo / SeMoon Yi / Seohee yoon
FILA Korea , Delmonte Korea , LIBBON Korea
Photo by Smaileman kuksun
Design by 08AM

Seoul , Korea

Ready to Review


Introduce Behance & Review


Grup Time


See you again 2014